The municipal government is going to provide funds for this construction project. 此项工程由市政府出资兴建。
The Municipal Common Reserve Funds Center shall publish annual plans for the use of common reserve funds and the implementation of such plans. 市公积金中心应当每年向社会公布公积金贷款的资金使用计划及其执行情况。
The municipal government has finally voted the funds for building a high-tech park. 市政府终于批准了建设高科园的资金项目。
A written contract for the commission shall be signed between the Municipal Common Reserve Funds Center and the commissioned bank. 市公积金中心委托办理公积金贷款,应当与受托银行签订书面委托合同。
A municipal body that can pass ordnances and appropriate funds etc. 能审查通过和适当基金等的市政团体。
When the theft of municipal funds by the city's mayor was discovered, he was arrested and charged with malfeasance. 当该市市长盗窃市政基金的行为被发现后,他被逮捕并被指控犯有渎职罪。
In February of 1923, after Guangzhou Da Yuan Shuai Fu was built, in order to raise military expenditure and Guangzhou's municipal administration funds, the temples in Guangzhou were taken back and auctioned, a movement of auctioning temples was started. 1923年2月孙中山在广州设立大元帅府后,为了筹集军费和广州的市政建设资金,将广州的寺产作为市有财产收用、拍卖,掀起了一个投变寺产的运动。
National Audit Office and municipal auditing organs has already begun a series of audits for social security funds. 国家审计署、各省市审计机关对社保基金已经展开了一系列的审计。
In recent years, the central, provincial and municipal governments at all levels have paid more attention to rural education by increasing the basic education funds, thus in a way causing the development of rural primary and secondary school education. 近几年来,由于中央、省、市各级政府对农村教育更加重视,并加大了基础教育经费的投入,从而使怀化市农村中小学教育得到了一定程度的发展。
This requires the Wuhan municipal government financing of public rental housing funds, a positive innovation, open up sources of income. 这就要求武汉市政府在公共租赁房的资金筹措方面,积极创新,广开财源。
Enliven the Chongqing municipal infrastructure assets in stock, make full use of cities operating assets to raise funds, and opening up a new way to city management. 盘活了重庆市城市基础设施的存量资产,充分利用城市经营性资产进行融资,开辟了经营城市新途径。
Municipal bonds is a form of bond that urban governments absorb funds from society according to credit principal and meet city public expenditure. 市政债券是地方政府依据信用原则,从社会上吸收资金来满足城市公共支出需求的一种形式。